Dear PhreD Fyngys audience.

It is my honor and pleasure to have been selected to post these iterations on Mr. Fyngys’ website.

My background is as follows:

I have an extensive background in business, as well as the arts.

In the arts realm I am an organist (classical) and chamber music performing artist. Together with other musicians I have played organ concerts as well as four hand piano music for several decades.

I hold a bachelors and masters degree in music and performing arts.

I have also been a life long practitioner of the martial arts, I currently hold the rank of 5th degree black belt and have been training and teaching for more than 50 years. I own a dojo (karate school ) and train and teach students ranging from 6 - 65. Y.o.

My dissertation (published) considers the Japanese martial arts as a distinctive art form. It is, like many Japanese art forms, inclusive of Japan’s artistic, social and cultural values.

I have also written two novels (1 published) , and two screenplays.

I was active in the financial business world as a vice president for one of the largest major national banks.

I want to thank the PhreD Fyngys “Squawk Radio Show” for sponsoring my participation in their upcoming shows and podcasts.

I look forward to hearing from you audience and podcast listeners.

Kind regards,

Dr.J.Frederic Bonomo


“exclusive editorial on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s new jobs”


The journey: