“exclusive editorial on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s new jobs”
Alarmed. It’s clear that a small percentage of of his own supporters would like him to step down and allow someone younger and more energetic to take his place. While the name Kamala Harris has continuously popped up as the one of the strongest contenders, the argument has been challenged each time. What this really indicates is that there is no unity. Since those that support Biden because they believe he is still a valid deterrent to Trump for many voters.
So it occurred to me that there is a solution to this dilemma and it is, I believe, fairly.
Instead of asking Joe Biden to exit the ballot and allow someone to take his place why not try this as an alternative solution.
Why not have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris switch places? Why not have Kamala Harris take the Presidential slot and let Joe Biden take his old job as the vice President. While it may seem crazy at first, take a deep breath and think about it. All of the arguments against Biden are based on his cognitive abilities (or disabilities) and his come and go energy states.
But Biden’s presence does stand for unity. Take him out and you stand a good chance to turn off millions of voters. Switch Kamala and Joe around and two big things get accomplished. You have a ferociously progressive, aggressive, female voice to combat Trump (who has no real defense against a factual argument) and you have the legendary status of Joe Biden and his remarkable contributions to America’s comeback from the past 8 years of chaos. It could actually catch one of America’s best characteristics, our sense of humor! Think of all the great jokes and one liners both Joe and Kamala could spread. Think about how the average American might find this idea crazy enough to work.
The Harris /Biden ticket might actually bring a smile to American faces. On both sides of the aisle.
Think about it.
Dr.J. Frederic Bonomo